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About Us

Message from the President

Becoming a trusted company through research and progress. At Sogo Printing, our motto is “proposals and actions that meet the needs of our customers.” We are involved in the printing and manufacturing of packaging materials, primarily serving the needs of customers in the pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and food and alcohol industries.                            

Corporate Mission and Management Mission

At Sogo Printing, we aim to be a general manufacturer of high-quality packaging and display materials that continues to grow steadily while building relationships of trust by interacting with customers, employees and society on a daily basis.                                                                                    

Company introduction

An overview of Sogo Printing Co., Ltd. and its business sites. In recent years, we have geographically spread our manufacturing sites across the Kanto, Kansai, and Kyushu regions to improve our risk management perspective. We have also installed identical facilities at each plant, so enabling us to continue manufacturing activities at some of our plants, even in the event of an emergency.

Company history

We wish to offer proposals that will be even better aligned with customer needs in the future, and to this end we are deepening ties between our product development divisions and our sales divisions. We are also developing new packaging materials and decorating methods that combine our film product technologies and our paper packaging product technologies.                              

Group companies

At Sogo Printing, we collaborate with Group companies and partner companies—such as Meibundo Industries Co., Ltd., S.A.P. Co., Ltd., Technopack Vietnam Co., Ltd., Miyake Hakuoshi Kogeisha Co., Ltd., and Sogo Co., Ltd.—to enrich and enhance our corporate activities.